Self-identity is divided into two, personal identity and public identity.
Both self-identity is very important in the world of online business. Because more or less will
required in implementation. The author tells about this, starting from the essence of our
as human beings and forget where they are wrong. Sometimes we also forget the address
our homes, our brother's name, our brother, or even forget that we are human.
Why this is so important, because in the world of online business, just a little wrong
include the identity, then fatal. For example at a local bank account, your name
Iin Solikin and wear on your paypal account using the name Iin Solikin Diningrat
then you can not do mutation of your money.
Therefore, in this chapter, the authors urge you all to prepare
all your identity from an early age and neat as possible. Write in diary / or
like some of the following:
Name : Prepare for your name, the names that match your ID card
Address : Prepare the appropriate address with the address of your ID card
Phone No : Number who can be contacted
Email : Create a specially emails Online business
Password : Keep the same password on all your online business courses to follow,
so that you easily remember.
ID Paypal or Alertpay: Make the same email ID so easy
Local Bank Account: Prepare your local account and remember equate identity with
ID cards and identity Paypal account and your Alertpay.
List Courses Online: Make a list of online courses you have any follow so that at
confusion when you are not running any programs that you have to follow.
Another identity: the other identities that you need to remember, as well as about family
you, your education etc..
Save identities as well. In addition to the written copy, make the
form of files, so when you sign up any program and requires identitasidentitas
that, you just copy and paste it, without retyping. And terhindarlah inequality


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